Michael Katzberg, PhD

New Research Project

In Proof Perfect on 30/08/2016 at 20:38


About Mieke Bal: The Afternoon Interviews on Contemporary Arts Education (working title)

Initiated by Jeroen Lutters, Professor and chair of the Art- and Cultural Education program at ArtEZ Art Academy in Arnhem, The Netherlands.

A series of four audio interviews recorded, transcribed and edited by Michael Katzberg.

This research project addresses four of Mieke’s concepts/methods relative to contemporary arts education: Narratology, Close Reading, Travelling Concepts and Preposterous History.

New proofreading project: Guidelines for Continuing Professional Development

In Proof Perfect on 27/04/2016 at 12:52

International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA)

The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is the leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the library and information profession.


NEW copyediting project: TEACHING OBJECTS: Gerhard Richter: Artist and Educator

In Proof Perfect on 05/04/2016 at 13:51


A new book by Dr. Jeroen Lutters.  Lectoraat Kunst- en cultuureducatie. ArtEZ Press.

Teaching Objects: Studies in Art-Based Learning

Lector dr. Jeroen Lutters promoveerde op de methode Art Based Learning (ABL) bij de internationaal vermaarde Mieke Bal (UvA) en nam deel aan de Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis (ASCA). Jeroen Lutters is ook lector bij hogeschool Windesheim, lid van de werkgroep Human Capital van het topteam Creatieve Industrie en lid van de adviesgroep cultuurprofielscholen. Hij is de auteur van het recent verschenen “Sprekende Objecten: studies in Art Based Learning (2015).

Art Based Learning is een vernieuwende methode ontwikkeld door lector Jeroen Lutters. ABL benadert kunst als kennisbron, gesprekspartner en ‘possible world’.